what's new on this site?

July 1, 2024

Home > The ITEM Newsletter

    New issue: 2nd Quarter 2024

June 27, 2024

Home > Books

     Added Beyond Valor

June 26, 2024

Home > Galleries > Reunions > 1976 Reunion

     Added 2 reunion documents

June 15, 2024

Home > Site Index

     Minor updates

June 7, 2024

Home > Galleries > Kriegies > Wartime Kriegy Photos

     4 photos added, marked NEW; 1 photo updated

Home > Galleries > Kriegies > Kriegy Pastimes

     1 photo added, marked NEW; 1 photo updated

June 3, 2024

Home > Galleries > Kriegies > Wartime Kriegy Photos

     6 photos added, marked NEW

Home > Galleries > Reunions > 2004 Pittsburgh and 2006 New Orleans

     reunions, documents added to the end of each reunion's photos

Home > Archives > Kriegy Biographies

     Added 1 new biography, Billy Bingham

May 6, 2024

Home > Archives > Kriegy Biographies

     Updated Col. Drake's biography

April 1, 2024

Home > Archives > Kriegy Biographies

     Added 2 new biographies

March 28, 2024

Home > TAPS

     Updated and added new name

March 23, 2024

Home > The ITEM Newsletter

    New issue: 1st Quarter 2024

March 17, 2024

Home > Archives > Kriegy Biographies

     Added 1 new biography

** If you can't see the new items on a page, try reloading that page.