Capture and Camp Life
Stories of Capture and General Camp Life
Aten, Frank N.: The Name on the Wall (unpublished book 3.7 MB)
Anderson, Everette R.: POW Report
Bradford, Brad: The Way It Was (camp life begins p.19)
Bryan, Wright: Evacuation from Camp
Carlick Sam: Excerpt from unpublished biography
Chappell, Roy J. Jr: Escape Attempts
Cockrell, James L. Jr.: Experiences
Corbin, Bill: Account of WWII experiences
Eberle, Charles G: Interview, experiences
Ellsworth, Reid (book excerpt)
Fisher, Leo: "Behind the Barbed Wire #1"
Fisher, Leo: "Behind the Barbed Wire #2"
Fisher, Leo: “Behind the Barbed Wire #3”
Godfrey, James: Account of invasion, combat, capture
Holt, Thomas (Oflag account starts page NR.10)
Juskalian, George: First year of captivity anniversary
Juskalian, George: "POW Recollections"
Kellahan, Richard H.: WWII experiences
Korber, William: "A Prisoner's Diary"
Medlen, Dalton: "One Enemy Was Conquered"
Palluconi, Jack: His report on capture
Parker, Richard B.: “Parker’s Retreat”
Rahal, Nicholas: Excerpt from his book
Rathbone, Jack: POW Reminiscence
Rodgers, John R. Sr. - From capture to freedom
Serda, Gabriel: short bio of WWII experience
Skells, James F. - exceprt from "The Colonel"
Soderberg, Henry (Internatonal YMCA) - "Oflag 64 As I Saw It"
Thompson, Robert: Excerpt from his book
Van Vliet, Jack: EscapeArtists
Miscellaneous POW stories of their capture and life in the camp, along with copies of documents and records from the camp.
Documents and Records from the camp
Camp Conditions, July 1944: Military Intelligence Rpt
Camp Morning Report, 1943; National Archives
Camp Morning Report, 1944: National Archives
Camp Morning Report, 1945: National Archives
Camp Summary Report, June 1945: US Warcrimes Office
Davis, James - report on WWII service
Pay Journal from Oflag 64, Sol Levy
Documents Sent to Families During Captivity
"Missing Doesn't Always Mean Lost"
War Prisoners Aid Letter to Next of Kin
War Prisoners Aid Pamphlet for Next of Kin
Links to more stories and information about Oflag 64
For Comrade and Country: Oral Histories of WWII Veterans by Robert G. Thobaben (Online book, mentions Oflag 64 beginning p.228
German Prisoner of War Camps (Oflag 64 in menu on left)
Military Memoirs of F. Eugene Liggett
POW Baseball in WWII: the National Pastime Behind Barbed Wire by Tim Wolter (Book, chapter on Oflag 64 begins p.58)
Articles by Peter C. Graffagnino (middle of page, “Wartime Experience”)