Capture and Camp Life

Stories of Capture and General Camp Life

Aten, Frank N.: The Name on the Wall (unpublished book 3.7 MB)

Anderson, Everette R.:  POW Report

Bradford, Brad: The Way It Was  (camp life begins p.19)  

Bryan, Wright:  Evacuation from Camp  

Buerger, Charlie: Diary pages

Carlick Sam: Excerpt from unpublished biography

Chappell, Roy J. Jr:  Escape Attempts

Cockrell, James L. Jr.: Experiences  

Corbin, Bill: Account of WWII experiences

Eberle, Charles G: Interview, experiences

Ellsworth, Reid (book excerpt)

Fisher, Leo: "Behind the Barbed Wire #1"

Fisher, Leo: "Behind the Barbed Wire #2"

Fisher, Leo: “Behind the Barbed Wire #3”

Godfrey, James:  Memories  

Godfrey, James:  Account of invasion, combat, capture     

Holt, Thomas (Oflag account starts page NR.10)

Juskalian, George: First year of captivity anniversary

Juskalian, George:  "POW Recollections"

Kellahan, Richard H.: WWII experiences

Korber, William: "A Prisoner's Diary"  

Medlen, Dalton: "One Enemy Was Conquered"  

Palluconi, Jack:  His report on capture  

Parker, Richard B.: “Parker’s Retreat”

Rahal, Nicholas:  Excerpt from his book  

Rathbone, Jack: POW Reminiscence  

Rodgers, John R. Sr. - From capture to freedom

Serda, Gabriel: short bio of WWII experience

Skells, James F. - exceprt from "The Colonel"

Soderberg, Henry (Internatonal YMCA) - "Oflag 64 As I Saw It"

Thompson, Robert:  Excerpt from his book  

Van Vliet, Jack: EscapeArtists

Wilcox, Lumund: “Life in Prisoner of War Camp”

Zelazny, Joseph: "Unforgettable Moments"  

Miscellaneous POW stories of their capture and life in the camp, along with copies of documents and records from the camp.

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