Wartime Kriegy Photos

Most of these group photos were taken at Oflag 64 in mid-January 1944 and were obtained from many of our Kriegies or their family members.  The American and International Red Cross provided the uniforms and also took most of the in-camp photos.  Groupings varied, some by state, some by unit, some by rank, and some by mess.  Many of the photos are stamped on the back “Lichtbild geprüft Oflag 64” which we are told means “Photograph inspected, Oflag 64”.   A number of photos towards the end of this section were provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross and are used with permission.

NOTE:  If you can fill in missing names on any photos, please click here to email us.  

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From Red Cross Bulletin 1/45 - 8/45, taken October 17, 1944
L-r: Lt. Col. John K. Waters, Col. Paul Goode - Senior American Officer, Mr. C. Christiansen - War Prisoners Aid of the YMCA, Lt. Col. W. H. Schaefer, Col. George V. Millet
(If you have an original of this photo, please contact us.)
L-R: Senior American Officer Colonel T. Drake; Lt. Colonel W. Schaeffer; Lt. Colonel J. Waters, Major M. Meacham. Dr. Mayer from the International Red Cross is in plain clothes
Please help us identify these IOWA Kriegies.
Front row 3rd from left is Charles L. Jones, 4th from right behind shorter Kriegy in the front row, is Robert Oshlo. Top row, 3rd from right is Robert Aschim.
Please help us identify unidentified men.
Front row l-r: 2nd from left James Cockrell, 3rd from right Arthur Detmers,
2nd Row third from left possibly Frank Maxwell, far right possibly Doyle
Photo taken 1/1944
Please help us identify these men.
Front row l-r: 3rd from left John Creech, 4th from left Seymour Bolten, 3rd from right George Durgin, 2nd from right Roy Chappell,
Back row l-r: 8th from left Anthony Cipriani
Back l-r: Edwin O. Ward, ???, Bill Farrell, Bob Wick, Sammy Saxton, Charlie Cheatham, Robert Lobb, ???
Front l-r: Bob Bonomi, Zoltan Takacs, John Creech, Milton Jellison, Herb Johnson, George Juskalian, Matt Smith, Maynard Files, ???, Irving Yarock
Front: 2nd from left: Lou Otterbein; 5th, Hill “Spud” Murphy; 6th, Larry Phelan; far right Robert Oshlo. Others ???
Front l-r: 3rd from left Herm Littman; 8th, Bill Cory; Middle l-r 7th Henry W. Haynes
Front l-r: Kenneth A.L. Johnson, Henry J. "Doc" Wynsen, George Lucey, Al White, John T. Jones, Howard Holder, Chaplain Stanley Brach, John Peyton, John K. Waters, 2nd Row l-r: Stanley Stetson, Wilbur Hooker, Jim Koch, Jim Cockrell, William Angevine, George Durgin, John Shinn, Top l-r: Marcellus Hughes, James Denman, Harry Frazee, Leo Farber, Jim Fraser (1st Armored Division, 1/13/44)
Front l-r: Wilbur Sharpe, Jim Sweeney, Jim Barker, Donald Stewart, William Rudel; 2nd Row l-r: Leonard Feldman, Frank Colley, Niram J. Meadows, Keith Willis, Gabriel Gever; Top l-r: Tom Morse, John Scully, Dusty Rhoades, O. L. “Brad” Bradford, Joe Seringer
(Class of Sidi Bou Zid 2/14/43, 17th Field Artillery Officers)
Front l-r: ???, Leo Farber, John Waters, John Shirk, Bill Cory, “Doc” Spurgin; Back l-r: ???, Wilbur Sharpe, Marcellus Hughes, ???
This camp photo was submitted in
photocopy form.
(If you have an original of this photo and/or can identify the men in the photo, please contact us.)
This photo was taken in February 1944.
(If you have an original, please contact us.) Front l-r: Harold Tallman, Carl Burrows, Henry (Gaither) Perry, Sid Waldman; Back l-r: William Guest, Stephen Kane, Robert Aschim, Anthony Cipriani, Frank Aten.
Front l-r: Jerome “Horrible” Hatch, Jim Barker, Bill Cory;
Back l-r: ???, Andy Johnson, Hill “Spud” Murphy, John Slack, Bob Bingham
Front l-r: Ormond Roberts, John Cramer, Clyde Herring, Jim Shoaf; Back l-r: Carl Hansen, Vernon Paulson, Robert Lobb, George Oughton
Front l-r: George Muehlbauer, Warren Curtis, Ed Berlinski,
Joe Friedman;
Back l-r: Howard Holder, Cecil Eubanks, Jack Carpenter,
George Durgin
Front l-r: Amon Carter, George "Stud" Beasley, Bob Bonomi, Ralph
Crawford; Back l-r: Lloyd Warren, Ed Batte, Robert Keith, Andy Krepela. Mess Group; #1, ate together daily for 17 months.
Front l-r: Graham, Alexander Ross, Len Vaden, Young; Back l-r: Stanley O'Brien, Vincent Grimes, Williamson, Robinson
Front l-r: ??, Bob Rankin; Back l-r: Don Frederick, Rocco Pravidica. Others named but not identified: Carl Coffey, Earl Hoffman, Bill Luttrell
Kneeling front row far right, John Creech, others are unknown
Please help us identify these men.
Front l-r: Al Casner, Bill Oughton, Joe Barrett, George Durgin; Back l-r: Sid Thal, John Slack, Bob Lobb
l-r: George Durgin, Howard Holder, Russell Ford, Frank Diggs, Carl Hansen, Larry Phelan, John Shinn
Copy of a newspaper clipping.
Third from right is Larry Phelan. Others are unknown. If you have the original, please share with us.
l-r: Roger Cannon, Joe Emerson, Hollis Wood, Amon Carter Jr., A. Beasley, Ted Roggen
l-r: C. Livingston, T. Lumpkin, E. Ball, J. Carpenter, J. Green, T. Rush, taken 1/13/1944
l-r: ???, ???, Donald May, Lt. White, Charles Snider, Alexander Ross
NEW Front l-r: Hollis Woods, Jerome Hatch, Stud Beasley; Back l-r: Bill Fabian, Herm Littman, Joe Green
l-r: Lou Otterbein, Col. Thomas Drake, ???, John Glendinning, Jim Cockrell
l-r: Donald Stewart, Jim Barker, William Rudel, Wilbur Sharpe, Joe Seringer
l-r: Graham, Stanley O'Brien, Joseph Barrett, Young, Vincent Grimes
l-r: Warren Curtis, John Shirk, Charles Brocker, Louis Di Bella, Edward Berlinski
NEW Please help us identify these men
l-r: Leo Farber, Andy Johnson, Robert Oshlo, Jim Cockrell
l-r: Ed Batte, William Yates, Roy Chappell, Doyle Yardley
l-r: Lt. Berry, Arthur Detmers, ???, Lt. Murphy
l-r: Andy Johnson, Jerome “Horrible” Hatch, Bill Cory, Hill “Spud” Murphy
(White House roommates)
l-r: Lt. Col. John Waters, Capt. Bucky Walters, lst Lt. Bill Cory, lst Lt. Harold Tallman (Maryland Contingent)
l-r: T. Lumpkin, W. Jones, and 2 yet unidentified POWs
l-r: Lt. Ball, William Yates, William Makepeace, Thomas Rush
l-r: Lt. Webb, Charles Witt, Ray Goad, Holmes Penn
l-r: ???, Frank Diggs, William Makepeace, Thomas Rush
Photo taken 1/1944. Please help us identify these men.
l-r: 2nd from left Seymour Bolten
l-r: George Durgin, Louis Otterbein, Zoltan Takacs, Tom Mitchell
Photo copy -
l-r: Ivan Carlisle, James Bond, Clarence Ferguson, Laurence Brant
l-r: L. Thibodeau, T. Lumpkin, A. Carter, H. Haynes
Front and Center - James W. Copes; 2nd from right Verris Hubbell, 2nd row l-r: 3rd, Joe Schneider; left end of 2nd row - Robert Rose, Right end of 2nd row - Bob Rankin; 6th row far right Russell Bissman, top row l-r: 2nd, Billy Bingham; 5th, Tony Lumpkin; 6th, Wilbur Sharpe
TEXANS - Front l-r: Col. Doyle Yardley, Col. Charles Jones; 2nd row, 2nd from left behind the Kriegy with the mustache is John R. Rodgers; 2nd row, far right is Roy J. Chappell; 3rd row, 1st on left is Frank Aten; 2nd from left is Amon Carter; 3rd from left is Harry E. Evans; 4th row, 2nd from left is Leonard W. Spence
NEW Front l-r:
Cecil Eubanks;
2nd Row l-r: 2nd from right is Lewis Lowe
Center: with beard and mustache is Father Stanley Brach
Please help us identify the others
Men of 2nd Bn, 143rd
Front l-r: LT Graham, CPT Clarence Ferguson, LT COL Charles Jones, LT B. F. Berry, LT Davis; 2nd row l-r: LT Brantley Hart, LT William Swanson, LT Ted Roggen, LT Young; 3rd row l-r: LT Laurence Brant, LT C. Alan Williamson, LT Arthur Morrow, CPT James B. Bond, LT Ivan Carlisle; Top l-r: LT John J. Hannan, LT William Haag, LT Curtis Livingston, LT Leonard Vaden, CPT Brown
First American officers assigned to Oflag 64
in June 1943
Front l-r: Lts. Gaither Perry, Jr., John Creech, Sid Waldman, Edwin O. Ward; 2nd Row l-r: William Burghardt, Edward Spicher, Anthony Cipriani, James Bancker; 3rd Row l-r: Robert Bonomi, Carl Burrows, Frank Tripp; 4th Row l-r: William Guest, Robert Oshlo, Robert Aschim
Front l-r: Col. Thomas D. Drake; 2nd Row l-r: Lt. Col. Charles Jones, Lt. Col. Max Gooler, Capt. Hugo Fielschmidt, Lt. Col. Doyle Yardley, Major Merle Meacham; 3rd Row l-r: Lt. Col. John K. Waters, Lt. Col. Louis Gershenow, Lt. Col. Charles Kouns, Major Roy Irvin; 4th Row l-r: Lt. Col. Jack Van Vliet, Major Emanuel Robertson, Col. Gaines Barron
Front l-r: Horace Spaulding, William Kleysteuber, Robert P. Milligan, Clyde Herring, Bruce Martin; 2nd Row l-r: Robert Eckman, Lumund Wilcox, John Kamps, Donald Wilkinson; Back l-r: Kenneth Johnson, Charles L. Jones, Harry Carlson, Bernard Bolton (Photo courtesy of Iowa Gold Star Military Museum on Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa)
Front l-r: Floyd Burgeson-far left, Larry Allen-second from far right, Father Stanley Brach-far right, others unknown
Mess 25, Fall 1943
Front l-r: Charles Dunn, Dick Secor, Roy Chappell, William Higgins, Harold Craft; Back l-r: John Glendinning, Jim MacArevey, Murphy, Russell Bissman.
Front l-r: Eugene Ranck, Amon Carter Jr., Lloyd Warren, Carl
Back l-r: Jim Cockrell, Joseph Schneider, ???, Bruce R. Martin
Front l-r: Ted Roggen, Ivan Carlisle, Victor Danylik, Gray; Back l-r: Leonard Spence, Curtis Livingston, Stephen Bires, Hugh Hogan
Front l-r: Webb, Louis DiBella, William Yates, Joseph Barrett; Back l-r: Edward Yenco, Ray Goad, Alexander Ross, Harold Craft
Front l-r: Al Casner, Jim Shoaf, Frank Colley;
Back l-r: Buckley, Roberts, Delbert Dorman, Ronald Hardy, William Rudel
Photo from Red Cross Bulletin 1/45 - 8/45
(If you have an original of this photo, please contact us.)
Front l-r: Tom Holt, Cecil Eubanks, Lewis Lowe; 2nd Row
l-r: Don Waful, Bill Hooker; Top Row l-r: Art Bryant, ?? Long, Fred Johnson
Front l-r: Woodley Warrick, Ormond Hessler, Ronald Hardy, Smith;
Back l-r: Al Casner, Verris Hubbell, William Hanson, Donald Rockwell
Front l-r: Mitchell, Robert Milligan, Frank
Back l-r: Ormond Hessler, Bob Bingham, Robert Lobb, Verris Hubbell
Front Row l-r: Edgar Moschel, William Luttrell, John Shinn, Robert
Back Row l-r: James Barnes, Woodley Warrick, William Angevine
Front l-r: Joseph Friedman, Jones, Delbert Dorman, Hill “Spud” Murphy;
Back l-r: John Hasson, Donald Rockwell, Frederic Sommers
l-r: ???, ???, ???, ???, Bill Luttrell, ???, Bob Rankin
“Room 8Q--Barracks 3-A”
Front l-r: Capt. Walters, Capt. Garvin Fitton, Lt. Fay M. Straight, Lt. Patrick McLoughlin, Lt. Robert Bonomi;
Back l-r: Lt. Robert M. Weigand, Lt. Curtis S. Jones
NEW Front l-r: 3rd from left is Larry Phelan; Back l-2: 3rd from left is George Durgin
Please help us identify the others.
l-r: Robert Lee “Bucky” Walters, “Pappy” Hunsinger, George Lucey, James Fraser, Adrian White, ???
NEW Front l-r: Dick Mason, Leonard Feldman, Paul Carnes (Preacher), Ed Hirt; Back l-r: Carl Blevins, Paul LeChance, James Denman
NEW Front l-r: Robert Langley, James Shoaf, Frank Roy, Craig Campbell; Back l-r: Stanley Stetson, Carl Coffey, Frank Maxwell
Front Row l-r: Lt. Evans, Charles Kouns, Bill
Back Row l-r: Charles Witt, Lou Otterbein, Herm Littman
Front l-r: James Sherman, Robinson,
Back l-r: Roberts, Bingham, Jerome “Horrible” Hatch
Front l-r: Smith, Carlson, Hancock;
Back l-r: Buckley, Ronald Hardy, Verris Hubbell
Front l-r: Jack Van Vliet, Emanuel Robertson;
Back l-r: Al Casner, Woodley Warrick, Floyd Saxton
Photo taken 1/1944.
Please help us identify these men.
front row l-r: Charles L. Jones far left,
back row l-r: Seymour Bolten far right
Front l-r: George Durgin, Russell Ford, Larry Phelan; Back l-r Tom Mitchell, Lou Otterbein
GI “ITEM and Bulletin
Front l-r: Lts. Feldman, Long, and Bolten;
Back l-r: Capt. Rossbach and Correspondent L. Allen
Front: l-r Merle Meacham, Thomas Drake, Hugo Feilschmidt;
Back: l-r ???, Clyde Herring
NEW Front l-r: Leonard Feldman, Wilbur Sharpe, Joe Seringer
Back l-r: Gabriel Gever, John Scully Jr.
Escape Artists l-r: Willie Higgins, Roy "Tex" Chappell, John "Jack" Van Vliet, Frank Aten
l-r: Frank Smith, Bill Cory, Tony Cipriani, Craig Campbell
l-r: Wilbur Sharpe, Frank Maxwell, Russell Ford, John Scully
l-r: Jim McArevey, ???, Robert Lee “Bucky” Walters, ???
L-r: John Hannan, Arthur Morrow, William Swanson, William Haag
NEW l-r: Joe Green, Amon Carter, Stud Beasley, Bill Fabian
NEW l-r: "Pop" Frank Noonan, Jim Sherman, Frank Hancock, Frank Maxwell
NEW Please help us identify these men
Partial photo -
On right is Robert Oshlo
If you have the complete photo, please let us know.
Parcel Hut-1944
l-r: L. Ihrie, T. Lumpkin, H. Haynes, A. Carter
Front left-r: Gabriel Serda, Edward Lescanec, ???; Back row 3rd from right: John R. Patton; others unknown
T. Lumpkin ID photo pose, taken at Oflag 64 on 9/24/1943
Unknown date
l-r: Max Druckman, Few (?), Charles Greenhill, Newton Lantron (?), ?? Long (?), McMurdo (?), Tony Lumpkin at rail station
Captain Richard Torrence funeral, photo taken at camp chapel
January 1944
Captain Richard Torrence funeral procession
Captain Richard Torrence funeral procession arriving at the cemetery near the camp
Captain Richard Torrence escort
Captain Richard Torrence escort
Captain Richard Torrence just prior to burial - benediction
Captain Richard Torrence burial with fellow Kriegies looking on
Captain Richard Torrence burial - looking back to say goodbye
Unknown date, Oflag 64 group photo taken just outside of camp. (left view)
Unknown date, Oflag 64 group photo taken just outside of camp. (right view) Kneeling, l-r: 3rd, Tony Cipriani; 4th, Otto Amerell; 5th, Roy Chappell; 6th, Everette Anderson; 9th, Major Hugo Fielschmidt; Standing middle row l-r: 3rd, William Harlow; 4th, Nick Rahal; 6th, Billy Bingham; 7th, Lou Otterbein; 9th, Robert Henry, Jr.; far right, Col. Thomas Drake
Lt. Col. James W. Lockett, 4th from left, speaking to Capt. Louis Torgeson after escaping from a German prison at Hammelburg, Germany - 4/3/45
Donald Hunker (r) and friend. Unknown date/place.
Repatriation Center 1/12/45 - POWs from Oflag 64 back row far left: LTC Nathaniel R. Hoskot, 2nd from left: CPT Myrick L. Monroe, 4th from left: LT Laurence B. Higgins, 4th from right: 2LT Jack D. Kazebeer, 2nd from right: 1LT Andrew Hysick, far right: 2LT Frank Maxwell
Don Frederick, Art Posey, Jack Klepper
5/45 - Liberation
After Liberation, 4/13/45 -
Boo Nunnally, sitting just below the B16 marker on the vehicle. Patrick Ward, just over Boo's left shoulder being handed a cup. Thomas Morton, middle with a spoon in his left hand. Carl Hansen, in front of Boo wearing glasses.
Oflag 64 Kriegies on their way home, pictured at Camp Shelby MS (April 1945) from l-r: front row - Alphonse Elmer, Paul Hodnette, Francis Stevens, John Mathis; back row - Hiram Wright, Robert Breazeale, Paul Thriffiley Jr., Sidney Farr